Wakanda has calmly traveled around the country. She was with the first team of Gentle Carousel horses that worked at Sandy Hook/Newtown, Connecticut right after the elementary school tragedy. She also was at Moore, Oklahoma after the devastating tornado that trapped children in schools.
Wakanda is the mother of much loved therapy horses Scout, Moonshadow and Apollo. She helped train them by escorting her foals to hospitals when they were young.
Wakanda works with adults and children in hospital or hospice care, in assisted living programs, with Gentle Carousel’s Reading With Horses programs at libraries, schools and literacy events and with children who have learning challenges.
Nickname: Always Wakanda. It is a Native American name that means “Possesses Magical Powers”.
Appearance: Wakanda is a pinto with one brown eye and one blue eye.
Special Skills: Wakanda has helped many young therapy horses learn the skills they need. Our horses go through a two year basic training program and are always learning new things.
Favorite Thing: When it comes to early morning runs with the herd, Wakanda is always near the front. She enjoys having a lot of space to exercise on the farm.
Personality: Wakanda is dependable and friendly. She is also a very patient mother.
Best Equine Friend: Therapy horse Sweetheart is one of Wakanda’s best friends. They have made many visits together and enjoy spending time together on the farm.