Little Prince

Little Prince was born on July 22, 2013, the same day as Prince George of Cambridge. He only weighed 6 pounds when he was born. Prince appeared on the stage of the famous Franklin Theatre in Tennessee as an “opening act” at a Red Steagall charity concert.

Little Prince is on the cover of the book Mini Horse, Mighty Hope: How a Herd of Miniature Horses Provides Comfort and Healing by Revell Publishing. He has also been featured in many other books and magazines.

Prince works inside children’s hospitals and is part of Gentle Carousel’s Reading With Horses literacy programs. Children think he looks like a magical unicorn.

Nickname:  Prince Charming, Prince.

Appearance:  Little Prince is solid white with blue eyes.

Special Skills:  Little Prince was so tiny when he was born that people who saw him in photos thought he was a toy. As an adult he looks like a little fantasy horse.

Favorite Thing: Prince loves to roll in the dirt as soon as he gets a bath. He has to be watched carefully when we are getting him ready for a visit! How did The Lone Ranger’s white horse Silver run across the wild west and never get dusty?

Personality: Prince is strong with unlimited energy.

Best Equine Friend: Therapy horse Anthem is Little Prince’s best friend. They both are very active and love running in the pasture together.